Sometimes I make stuff but most of the time I don't to be honest. I'm interested in many topics, some of them reflected on this website, music, photography, literature, design, and talking nonsense. This page is my excuse to force myself to do more bc I have the impression that if I have a place to post stuff, it somehow makes it more real? Anyways. 24yo / bsas:arg / (he/him).
A veces hago cosas, pero por lo general no. Estoy interesado en muchos temas, algunos de los cuales se reflejan en esta página: música, fotografía, literatura, diseño y hablar boludeces. Esta página es mi excusa para obligarme a crear más cosas porque tengo la impresión de que si tengo un lugar para POSTEARLAS, de alguna manera las hace más reales. Anyways, 24añ / bsas:arg / (él/lo).
estructuras estructuras estructuras
Hay una extraña disonancia en mis procesos creativos la cuál me representa una complicación monumental a la hora de querer apuntar hacia mejores resultados. No entro en estructuras, no funciono con pensamientos analíticos. Mi mente artística funciona mejor en pequeños tramos de emociones fuertes y expresión de libre flujo. Pero esto no ayuda a mejorar, y quiero mejorar.
Quisiera algún día ser parte de la comuna de virtuosos creativos quienes hacen a voluntad, aquellos que no le temen a una página en blanco o una habitación en silencio. Hay un umbral muy grande en frente mío. Y no sé cómo cruzarlo.
Es extraño porque mi mente, para todo menos esto, funciona de manera extremadamente lógica. Rara vez tomo decisiones basadas en mis emociones, y siempre me jacto de hacer “lo correcto”, lo cual no necesariamente es siempre lo mejor, o lo que está bien.
¡A diario me rompo por tantas partes! No es sorpresa que me cueste encontrarme a la mañana cuando me despierto.
Hace poco ninjaweb publicó lo siguiente en el feed de neocities:
“Have you ever consider the weight of your words ? Can we express about anything on the web ? What about perceptions and opinions of others ?”
Pensé en contestarle, pero no me salieron las palabras para articular una idea clara y concisa de lo que quería decir, así que me cohibí.
Pero en mi propia página, la cuál solía tener el eslogan de “my digital brain and personal trashbin” voy a abstenerme de hacer lo que hago cada segundo en mi cabeza: dejar correr un flujo descontrolado representativo de fragmentos de la lengua castellana e inglesa que de vez en cuando, capturados en forma muy específica, toman sentido.
¿Hay gente que no piensa en el peso de sus palabras? ¿En la percepción de otros? Yo no podría escribir una letra de no ser porque estoy al tanto que esta página no la ve casi nadie.
Tengo en mente siempre lo que piensan los demás. Tengo siempre presente que para cada cosa que digo, siempre hay alguien que sabe más, que puede corregirme. Esto último no me representa algo negativo, al contrario, considero que las correcciones e indicaciones de alguien con verdaderos y profundos conocimientos sobre algo que yo mencione es una oportunidad magnífica para crecer. Lo que me hace sentir mal, es la idea de estar hablando al mundo sobre un tema, a sabiendas de que no soy yo el más indicado para hacerlo.
Por eso me cohibo tanto. Por eso me cuesta expresarme. Siento que para expresar la más mínima de mis ideas, tengo que hacer un estudio de campo, una investigación en profundidad, una tésis universitaria, y aún así, no estaría satisfecho, porque siempre hay algo más allá, algo que se ignora.
Hasta me da rechazo releer mis propias palabras, porque la crítica y la capacidad para re pensar y sobre pensar y re contra analizar y dudar y re mil dudar pesa como un grillete gigantesco y, si lo miro, no escribo. Y si no escribo, voy muriendo por dentro a pasos agigantados.
No voy a releer, hoy no. Tal vez mañana.
14:22. It's just until now that I find the opportunity to journal today. This past week has been horrible.
My job situation is dreadful. Nobody knows where this is gonna get us. I've started looking for a new job since last thursday and in preparation for it I've been consuming nothing but programming content and theory and still none of it seems enough. I've managed to gather interest from a few companies of which I am not optimistic of their analysis of me. It all seems like a massive waste of time.
Also, I'm doing everything with such a massive feeling of despair. It feels the world is ending around me, I swear. Yesterday I tried to take a nap and, I kid you not, I slept around 40 minutes in which I dreamt constantly of fucking Linkedin. It's breaking my heart.
I'm so tired. So, so tired.
Hardly anything remains from the cartoonish lollipop-induced awakening I had yesterday. I had some trouble sleeping due to my irresponsibility and insistence in reiterating in my mind an idea I had for a blog post. I must have hit 6.5 hours, which isn't much of a difference considering I was at 7 hours yesterday, but if you take into consideration the hedonistic amount of hours I dedicate to sleep during the weekend, it starts making more sense.
Today is a gorgeous thunderstorm day. However, I'm cautious with that exclamation, since the bulk of it is yet to fall down. Checking the weather up just disappointed me a little. But anyhow, the cold rainy breeze that hit my face when I went out of my apartment helped make the commute easier. I've been listening to horror stories since I got out of bed. I find comfort in this.
I remember this one afternoon as if it were the wallpaper for my brain. I was a child who had just come back from primary school, my grandmother made me lunch and the afternoon had settled in full. Earlier that day, as I was getting into the school bus, we were all (adults included) amazed by the magnificence of the thunderstorm that was about to come upon us. The day had turned into night all of a sudden. And now the afternoon had settled and the rain had been falling for a couple of hours already. At first timidly, but now it wasn't holding anything back. I was on my old computer, a boxy beige machine that ran windows xp, searching for horror stories on youtube. I came across some of the now classic creepypastas, I came upon a video telling that pokemon story about Hypno being a child kidnapper. That one video in particular had the song that was made for that story. The "come little children" one.
I don't think I was particularly scared due to technically fitting the demographic targeted by Hpyno itself, but the song and the way it was produced stayed with me for much longer. I remember I got up from the pc and went to the living room/dining room (a small room that was both things at the same time, and also, neither). I went past a bedroom I shared with my grandmother for years (I don't recall if at this point we were still sharing it, although I would suppose yes) and caught a quick glance of her saints collection, lit up by a small candlelight. The house was, and still is, extremely dark due to the sparse presence of windows which were located mostly on the vertical extremes of the property disregarding most of the space in between. The living room was one of these rooms that existed on the far end of the property, it had this massive window which occupied the vast majority of the wall it was installed on and there they were two carob tree armchairs with odd red tapestry. My grandmother used to sit on one of those for hours (she did this for years, but eventually I stopped associating her and the armchair, although at that same exact spot was the last time I would see her alive and well in our house, in what would be 5 or 6 years later).
I sat next to her for a bit and she asked if I was ok, I said I was and remained there for a while to calm myself down. That room shined brighter than it was allowed by the world. It was fresh on a humid summer night when the heat won't let you sleep, and warm on the bleak winter afternoons.
I don't know if those places are allowed to exist in this world anymore. I certainly have not seen one as such in the past decade.
I hope they do. The children need those places more than anyone. Otherwise, they might worry that Hypno will in fact come to them, so many years before realizing that's not that bad of a plan after all.
If you're cool and kind, link me anytime you want.
Si sos amable y piola linkeame cuando quieras.